All Pinterest fans will be happy to know that Pinterest has recently launched their brand new “Buy Button”. As fellow shopping addicts, we feel and share your excitement. The endless browsing and dreaming of your wish list products can now turn into an actual purchase. That dress you have been eyeing and loving and wanting can now hang in your closet through the click of a button. And gents, you can now sneak into your girlfriend’s wedding board (we promise she has one) and go buy one of the rings she pinned, how convenient!
So we now that consumers will be over the moon over this announcement, but what will this mean for businesses?
Before you get your products Pin-ready, it is important to revisit some of the best practices of using Pinterest for business. They include the following:
#1: Make Your Business Visible on Pinterest
#2: Make Your Website Pinterest-Friendly
#3: Create Appealing Content You Can Pin
#4: Know Pinterest’s Image Requirements
#5: Pin Useful Content
Having these best practices in place will help your business reap all the benefits of the “Buy Button” as well as help you to reach significant spikes in user growth. If you have any Promoted Pins in circulation already, take a look at the analytics and establish which Pins performed best and use those as your first test Pins. It’s crucial that your Pin should contain all the necessary information and show off the product in its full glory for maximum buyer satisfaction.
Since the feature is launching on mobile first, you also need to do some research and find out how your Pins measure up against others on a smartphone screen — you may be surprised at what you see. Pinterest is also partnering with Shopify and Demandware to make it easier for small- and medium-sized businesses to sell products through the site.
Buyable Pins are just another way to bring the creative ideas you find on Pinterest to life, and we can’t wait to see how this trend will evolve and change the current business environment.
Check out the video here >>>