Facebook Advertising – What’s In It For Me?

facebook advertising campaigns

Are you wondering whether paying for Facebook advertising is really going to pay off? How can you be guaranteed that it’ll reach its mark and convert those people you’re targeting into fans and followers and then followers into consumers?

Let’s take a look at how it all works.

When to use Facebook advertising

Facebook has algorithms in place that ensure that you receive only relevant information and stories in your newsfeed. That’s all good and well for Facebook users but for company pages, the algorithms reduce the organic reach (unpaid posts on your company page) to your fans. This is because Facebook wants you to pursue advertising campaigns and without using paid-for posts or advertising, Facebook limits your ability to reach potential customers. So spend your money wisely and pay for content to be boosted when you have an important message you need to push out or when you want to grow your fan base.

Target the right people

With Facebook advertising, you pay to target specific groups of people already on Facebook. You can filter them according to gender, age, location, relationship status, etc. You can even target people with certain interests (brands they like, sports teams, music, movies, etc.). Have you ever noticed how much information people publish on Facebook? Think about it, if Joe Soap likes a motor sport page, checks-in at motor sporting events he attends and shares photos about his favourite cars and motorbikes – Facebook has all that information and over time, can paint a pretty good picture of his lifestyle.

So, even with a relatively small budget, you can still reach thousands of people who meet specific targeting criteria that you might not have reached on any other medium.

Know and understand what your objectives are and then measure accordingly.

It’s important to understand that unlike Google AdWords, Facebook ads targets people based on demographics and interests and not what they’re searching for.

When done correctly, by targeting the right people and measuring along the way, you can gain an edge over your competitors. With Facebook advertising, you pay for Facebook’s marketing tools but also the prioritization of your brand’s content.

Invariably, Facebook advertising will be more useful and relevant to certain businesses over others. For example, Facebook advertising would be useful for an energy drink brand promoting their new energy drink flavor to young people living a fast paced lifestyle, but less useful and less practical for an established advertising agency targeting large corporations. That doesn’t necessarily mean that Facebook as a platform would be useless for an advertising agency, but the strategy for using Facebook would be different.

In order to take advantage of Facebook’s audience, you need to recognize the intricacies of reaching people on Facebook and how audience targeting will benefit your overall brand. Facebook is an invaluable tool for targeted marketing, promoting your brand, creating brand loyalty and connecting with customers. For these reasons, Facebook advertising is certainly beneficial and worth incorporating in your marketing strategy.

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