Social Media Cleanup

Social Media

If the brand has changed then its time to do a Social Media CleanUp!  The majority of brands are alive on Social Media and the internet but it does not mean they are thriving. As more brands are making digital their main channel of advertising, the competition is becoming fierce. Brands need to stand out and they need to be relevant.  

Our approach to a Social Media clean up

  • Social Media Audit
    • Link Testing on Menu
    • Bio
    • URL in the Bio
    • Is the account verified?
    • We look at the setup of your pages, does it speak to your brand?
    • Matches style guidelines: If the brand has style guidelines in place, we make sure all the social profiles follow them. From the cover photos to profile images and any other visuals associated with your profile, check it all.
  • Does the cover banner speak your brand and have the right messaging?
  • The internet never forgets, any comments or poorly executed content can have lasting consequences. This needs to be cleaned up.
  • We Google: any negative reviews or comments and will address.
  • Check reviews  – Nobody wants to see a bad review with no response.

Here are the reasons why a consumer will not engage with the brand after search:

  1. Bad reviews that have not been attended to from customers.
  2. Unclear content and images.
  3. Irrelevant post about an old competition or a particular product that is no longer being sold.
  4. Links that don’t work such as image bars.

Review our client testimonials and now that you know what’s up!  #Get started!!!